Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Here's a report on last night's Citywide Parent Council meeting, courtesy of Julie Walsh, who moderated the meeting:

"Tobacco, which is a legal drug (for adults), is usually the first step in substance abuse. If you asked ten random people, probably 2 out of the 10 would be smokers, but if you went to a rehab, AA or NA meeting and asked ten people, 9 out of the 10 would be smokers. It's the easiest step to take in the chain of substance abuse.

"Some of the popular drugs out now are heroin, marijuana, oxycontin, percocet and even cough medicines and aerosol cans like whipped cream. Kids take a pill like oxycontin, grind it up and snort it or sometimes shoot it up. It can make the student seem sleepy and groggy. The problem is that many kids (teenagers especially) can be sleepy naturally either from lack of sleep or perhaps not eating well. This makes it harder to notice substance abuse right away.

"That's why parents are the first line of defense. No one knows your child like you so every parent should speak to his/her child every single day. Ask what they did, who they saw, where are they going, etc. Make sure your child knows you are interested and want to be involved in their lives. Keeping the door of communication open is vital."


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