Thursday, April 29, 2004

Here are some thoughts on Hancock v Driscoll from another parent:
The Hancock-Driscoll decision is good for Lowell especially in light of the CPC's meeting this past Monday evening (4/26/04). The focus was English Language Learners in the regular classroom. Jean Franco, Deputy Superintendent of Student Services, gave a presentation on how a regular classroom teacher in Lowell is teaching to students who would previously be taught in bi-lingual classroom. Jean's presentation was extremely informative. She actually taught a lesson that would be given in any elementary classroom across the city. She chose a math lesson (which gave us a look at the new mth curriculum at the same time). She demonstrated how language is constantly and consistently taught in all subjects. When a lesson, in any subject is taught in this fashion, it reaches children at all levels regardless of proficiency or native langugae. The teacher groups students based on ability, teaming students together who are high-level language with students who may be better at math so they can work together, each helping the other. In an urban city such as Lowell, where 60% of it's students are from homes where English is the second language, teaching in this style is imperative.
Unfortunately, very few parents attended. This sends one of two messages; either there are no problems with the program which would be wonderful or parents just don't want to get involved. Quite frankly, I worry that it's the latter. In order to give Lowell's students the best possible education, parents need to get involved. It will take more than just a few parents to get the job done. The next few months are critical. The budget will be decided and even though the Hancock-Driscoll decision will help us, it won't take effect until next year at the earliest. We are in for another budget fight. If the School Committee has to cut the budget again, which is a distinct possibility, this time programs will be cut in addition to even more teachers. Please consider contacting the CPC to get involved


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