Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Do we need new schools?

Lowell is coming to the top of the list to have two new schools built. These projects have already been approved by the state at the soon-to-be discontinued reimbursement rate of 90%. A few people have asked me why we need to build these schools.

One of the new schools is to replace the Morey elementary school and the other will be a new Butler elementary school. The students from the Varnum and the Moody schools will attend the new Butler. The Morey, Varnum and Moody are all older buildings and in anticipation of these projects, have had little or no maintenance in recent years. They would need major repairs, such as roofs, floors and electrical upgrades, in order to stay open. In addition, these schools have no gymnasiums, no space designed for art, music or library/media and are not handicapped accessible. The Moody and the Varnum do not have cafeterias or student performance space.

Because of the need for repairs and upgrades at the Morey, Varnum and Moody, it makes sense to go forward with these two projects. Currently, 25% of our elementary school children go to school in substandard facilities; these new schools will help address that problem.


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