Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Here's the background on the Ayotte parking garage. In 1978, a major addition was made to Lowell High School. This included the Riddick Field House which had/has a seating capacity of 3000. Because city councilors expected frequent events at the field house that would draw large crowds, they used the city's power of eminent domain to take a 2 acre parcel of land across Father Morrisette Blvd for parking for Lowell High School. The city paid the owner of the parcel $150,000. This money came from state funds that were provided specifically for the Lowell High School addition. Teachers used this lot for parking until 1985 when the city used federal funds to build the present parking garage. After the garage was constructed, teachers were able to park there free of charge until 1994 when the Lowell School Department started paying the city for teacher parking. For the past ten years, the school department has continued paying the city a relatively insignificant amount for parking. Now, however, the city has drastically increased the parking fees and intends to charge the school department $400,000 per year for parking that was free for 15 years. In light of this garage's history, why is the school department paying anything at all?


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