Monday, August 29, 2005

More on transportation

Well, tomorrow is the first day of school, and it will be interesting to see how the new bus routes work out. As the new director of transportation, John Descoteaux, pointed out, the changes that have allowed us to cut 7 buses could be upsetting to some parents. "I'll be getting a lot of calls. You'll be getting a lot of calls." he told school committee members.

It seems as if a lot of school committee candidates will be talking about the need to cut more buses, but let's see how this round of cuts goes. Some parents are still upset about the transportation cuts from two years ago which forced more children to walk to school, some on very busy streets. Perhaps that's why the buses were so empty last year?

If we do realize any savings in the transportation budget, after the Stoklosa School fiasco is paid for, maybe we can finally restore preschool transportation, another casualty of the budget battle of 2003.


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