Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Bus stop

Some parents, as expected, are upset that their children have to walk further to get to their bus stops. This is a direct consequence of cutting seven buses. While I'm not arguing that there wasn't waste in the transportation department, I can see the push to save money on buses starting to go too far, especially since this is an election year.

I'm still concerned about the students who are walking to school, some on very busy roads, as a consequence of the 2003 budget cuts, when the distance from home to school to be eligible for busing was increased. I'm also concerned about the lack of preschool busing, another casualty of the 2003 cuts. And for those who think that "going back to neighborhood schools" will solve all of our transportation problems, think again. Some neighborhoods don't have schools or the school is on a busy road; a great many parents choose a school because their child will be bused.

In the meantime, if your child's bus stop is too far away, I know a city councillor you can call!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, i cant beleive my son is expected to walk over two miles to school, it takes over 30 mins for him, and the area isnt so great!but if he had a BABYSITTER two streets away from the house he could get the bus, soooo stupid!,Time to move out of LOWELL!

11:55 AM  

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